Matching Your Photography to Your Home | Tips from a Pro Photographer

Sitting in your living room, you glance up at the mantel (or wall) and realize you haven't had any family photos taken in a while and that a lot of your displayed pictures are a little outdated.  You decide you want to book a session - and maybe even spend the money on a nice canvas - and begin the booking process.  You start looking over schedules, planning out your session, and thinking about what you will wear.  


Have you thought about how it will match your home?  After all, if you plan to display it, you will be spending a lot of time looking at the images from this session, so why not style it to be incorporated in the design of your room or home?

Determine Your Color Temperature & Theme (Sample Images Below)

Warm - Rooms that are warm tend to have lots of browns, beiges, ivory/cream, gold or neutral/natural hues with wood furniture or pieces.  (Also sometimes includes burgundy, red, orange, yellow accents)

Cool - Cool rooms usually have a mix of light blues, greens, whites or silver with lighter color furniture (sometimes white) and accents on the cooler end of the spectrum.

Rustic/Earthy - Rooms with this style are often in the warm tones - think cozy.  Knit fabrics, wood pieces & Earth toned colors throughout.  (Can include accents like burgundy, red, orange, or yellow)

Modern/Contemporary - With this design, I envision rooms that are cool and bright - lots of silvers & metal with clean whites.  Sometimes precise & sharp furniture or very curved & unique art pieces.  

Airy/Beachy - Think beach house or sun room.  Many times this room would have lots of light shining in, breezy & light-weight fabrics, and light colored furniture.  (Color accents may include a pop of warm toned like coral or yellow)

Once you've determined your general temperature and theme (I only listed some as example, you know your home best), you can move on to selecting...

Time of Day for Your Session

To Match a Cool Design, choose Early Morning - Sessions that are scheduled early in the day (7am-10am) produce fresh and even light.  Lacking the strength of the bright day sun, the images will be soft and slightly cool toned.

To Match a Warm Design, choose Evening/Golden Hour - The time of day that photographers refer to as "Golden Hour" is the hour before the sun sets, when it gives us the last bit of warm & sunny burst.  There is a bit more directional light so some play with shadows and sun flares can be fun and create gorgeous tones.  (Also, good opportunity for some possible pink, purple, orange sunset images)

Picking Locations

The location of your session can also play a role in matching.  If you have a warm, rustic living room with a nice fireplace, consider a wooded park or old barn buildings.  If you have an airy space with nautical accents, then beach portraits would match perfectly.  Contemporary or high fashion design?  Take to a city and use some cool architecture as the backdrop.  Your taste and personality can be shown through the images in subtle ways.

Planning Your Outfits

When it comes time to plan and select your outfits, think about how those fabrics and color coordinations will harmonize with the design of your home.  To create the warm cozy look, choose sweater dresses, accent scarves, fringe or furry.  Denim is great for cool rooms, especially when paired with other blues & white.  And of course, flowy fabrics translate well for those airy spaces you've created.  To see some examples of coordinating outfits, you can click the hyperlinks "warm" & "cool" for inspiration ideas.

Implement Your New Photo Plan & Become Your Own Art

Now that you have planned your time, location, & clothes, you are ready to become the masterpiece on the wall!  You are armed with an intentional vision for your photoshoot, and we can create images that you will be happy and proud to display for years to come.   


Examples of Cool & Earthy

Examples of Airy/Beachy

(Some With Warm Sunset)

Examples of Warm & Rustic

And the always classic Black & White

Calling All Expecting Mothers & Moms-To-Be | Timing & New Package

Let's get real for a second.  9 months seems like a long time...until you're in it. Every mom I've talked to says how quickly their pregnancy has gone by.  You're so busy learning, preparing, nesting, and down-right growing a human, that before you know, you're in the final week!  You had the best ideas for decorating a nursery, crafting things for new baby and planning the hospital day bag and drive.  Sometimes, things you wanted to do, just don't get done.  Don't let photos be one of them.  If you think ahead now (with a little help from me) you can schedule your sessions and not have to be scrambling last minute.

There are two photoshoots that Shore's Edge Photography offers to mom (& baby): 

Maternity & Newborn.



Maternity photoshoots are typically done around 32 weeks.  This ensures a nice round belly but without the discomfort that later weeks might bring.  This is the optimal time for mom to be glowing.



Newborn shoots are done within the first two weeks of baby being born.  This ensures those adorable, sleepy, peaceful photos and baby is easy to cooperate.  It is understandable that this timeframe can be a hectic time settling in at home and people wanting to meet your precious little one but it allows the parents some alone time just snuggling with baby and you can tell family & guests that for those 3 hours, it's just going to be you.  Lifestyle photography allows me to capture you in your environment, living your life as you would.



How to Schedule/Book
Book your maternity session now for the week that'll you be around 32 weeks.  As time gets closer, we will nail down exact details, locations, and time.

For newborn sessions, we pre-pick 2 or 3 dates around your due date (as we all know babies are on their own time).  That way, if baby comes after your due date, we still have dates held on the calendar for you.

And Shore's Edge Photography is offering a *NEW* special package...The Mermom!  This package includes the photoshoot and goodies of both the basic Coastal & newborn Guppy packages, for $55 off!


The Real Gifts In Our Lives | NJ Lifestyle Photography

As a child, you want the coolest toy, the newest gadget, and the biggest, shiniest box sitting under the tree.  As you grow older, you come to realize that the best gifts aren't toys, gadgets, or material objects that could fit in a box.  They don't come with a price tag, and can't be bought in stores.  The real gifts in our lives are our loved ones, the moments we share, and the every day miracles that happen.  They are the conversations where we learn about ourselves and those closest to us.  The times we laugh so hard, our faces and stomachs hurt.  The quiet, warm embraces that calm us & express love without words.    

This holiday season, Maria & Joe took some time to create more memories with their growing family (and baby #2 on board!)  There was lots of laughing, kissing -their dog Gizmo included-, a little crying, and even a shoe that went floating down the creek (which made for a bit of adventure and something to look back on & laugh at).  Here is their Christmas Maternity session, celebrating the gift of marriage, family, and their daughter(s).  

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Season's Greetings, Buon Natale!  And this year when thinking of New Year's resolutions, I encourage you to spend time every day reflecting on the daily gifts you have & receive and being grateful for them.  It is easier to be thankful during the holidays, but when you fill your life with appreciation, it will change in the best way.  :)  xoxo       

Rustic & Chic | Kate & Mike's Maternity

When your best friend asks you to happy hour at one of your favorite after-work restaurants, especially after a hard day at the office, you say "yes!"  And when she would normally order a fruity cocktail but opts for just water instead, you can't help but wonder the question that all women do when their girlfriends switch it up...  But instead of coming out and asking, you patiently wait for her to break the amazing news to you while you both stuff your faces on half priced appetizers.  The very first thing you do is congratulate her, and the very next is calling dibs on her maternity session.  

Kate is the first friend of our group that is pregnant, but that comes as no surprise.  She was the first friend to move out on her own, land a real job, get married, and buy her own house, and she is gracefully navigating the confusing "early 20s".  With the support of her loving husband Mike, she's even making her pregnancy look easy (even though we all know it is not).  I am so proud of you both, and know that you will take on parenthood with the same love and ambition that you always do - you got this, just breathe!  <3  (and I can't wait to meet Michael)