Autumn Evenings at Allaire Village | NJ Family Portraits

Meet the Earley family!  They are an active family of 4 men and their loving Mom & wife.  Between school, sports and busy schedules, life sometimes gets hectic.  And when your sons are growing faster than you can keep them fed, you free an evening & get outside for some fun portraits in the park!  No rapidly approaching sunset (with DayLight Saving time) or park patrol could keep us down - we were on a mission to grab the best moments!

The warm hues of the Autumn season are beautiful, but it is the family that truly shines together.  

And for brothers, they actually seemed to enjoy each other's company!  ;) 

Fall Family Fun...and Zombies! | NJ Halloween

Every year, around late August/early September, there is something in the air that makes saying "goodbye" to summer a little easier.  For many, it is Pumpkin Spice!  For others, it is the decrease in shore traffic that allows the locals to truly enjoy the beaches, or the chill that accompanies the night as it gets deeper into October that we call "sweater weather", or the abundance of activities - both family friendly & super spooky - that kick off the "Holidays" starting with Halloween.  But the truly stunning occurrence that we experience is the transformation from healthy, green leaves to the radiant hues that keep us in awe throughout Autumn & gazing upon every vibrant tree we pass!

Enter: Matt, Kristen & Juney.  They knew they wanted to do a family session for a while but could not figure out the exact details or time of year.  When I had talked to Kristen on the phone and she told me the idea that she came up with, I was "Thrilled"!  Being a huge fan of The Walking Dead and all things zombie, I couldn't wait to bring this shoot to life - or back to life, should I say?! ;)  

In The Blink of an Eye | The Art of Capturing the "Now"

Our Earth rotates at a speed of 1,037 mph.  It takes 24 hours to complete and every day we get the pleasure of being witness to the sun rise and set.  I'm sure you've watched this beautiful occurrence once or twice, so think back to the last time that you did.  Do you remember what it looked like?  The colors that were painted in the sky?  You watch as night fades into day and before you know it, it is daylight.  Or the way that the colors burst as the sun is setting and then quickly dissipates as the grey hues of dusk spill into the night.  These natural artworks change by the second and can look completely different from minute to minute.  

This is why I love photography.  It gives you a chance to capture breathtaking scenes before they disappear.  Memories while people are still alive.  Landscapes before & after, or over the years as places develop.  Everything can change in the blink of an eye, and photography gives us a chance to hold onto history.   

These photos were taken on my way home from a different photoshoot and I just happen to be at the right place as it hit its peak.  It was a nice Autumn night and I stopped to snap these as I was driving by a lake.  They are 6 minutes apart, and completely raw images because there is no amount of editing that I can do that would make these already stunning photos any better.  It would be an insult to our gorgeous planet.   


 "Life moves pretty fast, if you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it." - Ferris Bueller

The Real Gifts In Our Lives | NJ Lifestyle Photography

As a child, you want the coolest toy, the newest gadget, and the biggest, shiniest box sitting under the tree.  As you grow older, you come to realize that the best gifts aren't toys, gadgets, or material objects that could fit in a box.  They don't come with a price tag, and can't be bought in stores.  The real gifts in our lives are our loved ones, the moments we share, and the every day miracles that happen.  They are the conversations where we learn about ourselves and those closest to us.  The times we laugh so hard, our faces and stomachs hurt.  The quiet, warm embraces that calm us & express love without words.    

This holiday season, Maria & Joe took some time to create more memories with their growing family (and baby #2 on board!)  There was lots of laughing, kissing -their dog Gizmo included-, a little crying, and even a shoe that went floating down the creek (which made for a bit of adventure and something to look back on & laugh at).  Here is their Christmas Maternity session, celebrating the gift of marriage, family, and their daughter(s).  

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Season's Greetings, Buon Natale!  And this year when thinking of New Year's resolutions, I encourage you to spend time every day reflecting on the daily gifts you have & receive and being grateful for them.  It is easier to be thankful during the holidays, but when you fill your life with appreciation, it will change in the best way.  :)  xoxo       

Will You Marry Me? | Justin & Sam's NJ Proposal

Meet Justin & Sam - the couple that has a story just as adorable as them.  

Justin had this great idea of how he wanted to propose to his queen and get it captured at the same time.  Being the romantic that I am, I was SO down for this idea and we began planning.  He wanted to surprise her by making her think we were taking promotional photos for my website and I needed them as a model couple (and we totally had her convinced!)  He also wanted to make sure both families got to witness this joyous moment, so they joined us from a vantage point where they would not be seen until after he popped the question.  It all worked out as planned, and she said "YES!"

Congratulations Justin & Sam!  I wish you both a lifetime of happiness together!  xoxo